Invisalign – Rio Rancho, NM

Straightening Your Smile Without Metal Braces

Woman holding an aligner for Invisalign in Rio Rancho, NM

While it is possible for adults to straighten their misaligned teeth with traditional metal braces, you may not want to have to deal with the awkwardness of wearing unsightly metal brackets and wires to work. Luckily, with Invisalign, you can straighten your smile with an orthodontic treatment that’s virtually unnoticeable. And since Invisalign is removable, you won’t have to worry about changing your diet during the treatment. Reach out to our Rio Rancho office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ranjbaran if you’re interested in learning more about Invisalign.

Why Choose Southwest Dental for Invisalign?

  • Discreet, Expertly Customized Aligners
  • Comfortable, Welcoming Dental Office
  • Flexible Financing Plans Available

How Invisalign Works

Close-up of a single aligner for Invisalign in Rio Rancho, NM

Multiple clear plastic aligners will be created at the beginning of your treatment. Each aligner is designed to shift your teeth slightly closer to where they need to be until your entire smile reaches its ideal alignment. You will wear your aligners for about 20 to 22 hours a day, and you’ll switch to a new set every two weeks. Throughout the treatment, you’ll periodically return to our office so that we can make sure that everything is going according to plan.

Indications for Invisalign

Woman putting in a single aligner for Invisalign in Rio Rancho, NM

Is Invisalign right for you? It might be if you have any of these orthodontic issues:

Crowded Teeth

Teeth that are too close together can make brushing and flossing more difficult, increasing your risk of developing cavities and gum disease. Invisalign can correct your teeth so that they’re properly spaced apart.

Gaps Between Teeth

It’s easier for food to become trapped in your smile if there are significant gaps between your teeth. By closing the spaces with Invisalign, you can lower your overall risk for oral health issues.

Bite Alignment

Underbites, overbites, and crossbites can easily lead to TMJ disorder and other problems. In many cases, Invisalign can be used to correct bite-related issues.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Dentist holding two aligners for Invisalign in Rio Rancho, NM in a heart shape

Choosing Invisalign as an alternative to braces has several benefits. Here are some of the advantages you’ll be able to enjoy:

  • The aligners can be taken out of your mouth during meals, so there won’t be any limitations on what you can eat.
  • The smooth plastic material used to make your aligners won’t irritate or poke the inside of your mouth.
  • The average Invisalign treatment can be completed in about 12 to 18 months. Meanwhile, traditional braces sometimes have to be worn for up to 2 to 3 years.
  • Clear aligners are virtually undetectable when worn. You can smile with confidence without having to worry about attracting attention for the wrong reasons.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

a patient paying for Invisalign treatment

Invisalign is a highly customizable treatment, so not every patient ends up paying the exact same price. The amount you pay will be influenced by factors such as the severity of your misalignment and the number of aligners you receive. We’ll give you an estimate of the cost of your Invisalign treatment during your initial consultation, and we’ll help you explore your financial options to help make paying easier.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

a dentist consulting with a patient

The cost of your Invisalign treatment in Rio Rancho will largely depend on what unique orthodontic issues you face. Some of these can include:

  • Whether you need to straighten one or both arches, although typically, both arches are straightened at once to maintain a balanced bite.
  • Whether you have more severe crowding or bite misalignment issues that you need addressed.
  • How many aligners you’ll need and how long your treatment is. Typically, the longer the treatment, the more costly it is.

Invisalign vs. Mail-In Aligners: Which is the Better Value?

Invisalign aligners in a protective case

Mail-in aligner systems that allow you to take your own impressions at home and have your trays shipped to you every month may seem convenient, but they could result in big issues down the road. This “DIY” approach to orthodontics can cause more problems than it can address due to the lack of professional oversight.

With Invisalign treatment in Rio Rancho, you can rest assured that along every step of the way, our team will make sure that the treatment is working as intended. Plus, if you ever run into any issues, all you have to do is give our office a call and we can immediately address your concerns.

Will Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

an empty dental insurance claims form

At Southwest Dental, we’re proud to be an in-network provider with Delta Dental, which means if you’re insured by them, we can help maximize your savings. If you have another PPO dental insurance plan, our team will file claims on your behalf and ensure you get the most out of your coverage. Depending on your plan, you may get a portion of your Invisalign treatment covered, but this can vary based on your individual dental insurance company.

Options for Making Invisalign More Affordable

a person calculating the cost of Invisalign

If your dental insurance plan doesn’t cover the cost of your treatment, we offer other easy ways to pay, too. CareCredit is a trusted, third-party financier that offers monthly payment plans at little-to-no interest, allowing you to split the cost of Invisalign up into more manageable, smaller amounts. All you need to do to learn whether you qualify is apply online or give our team a call for more information.